An article published in April 1993 in the newspaper Inuvik Drum reports the testimony of Eric Schweig about one of his dreams:
« Schweig said he had a strange feeling that he might never meet his mother after a dream he had when he was 18. In the dream he was walking towards a house where he could see a woman that he knew was his mother, but when he was 5 feet from the open door it slammed shut. “I was crying when I woke up…it was so vivid”, Schweig said. » This dream always comes back to my mind when I think of Eric Schweig, and is one of his revelations that touched me the most.
Dreams are an important part of my life, I make so much of them that it is as if I had a parallel life each night. However, none of my dreams has this premonitory power manifested in the dream of the Inuit actor. Indeed, the article in Inuvik Drum also reported this event:« One day in Vancouver, where [Eric Schweig] now lives, he met Willie Thrasher on the street. The two got talking and before long Schweig realized he must be related to Thrasher. He said Thrasher hooked him up with his Aunt Agnes in Williams Lake, B.C. in the hopes of finding his mother. But three days later, his birth mother died and he was too late. »
If this article is true, this is a very sad tragedy. Just as in his dream, Eric Schweig was so close to find his biological mother, but death locked her insurmountable door on Margaret Thrasher only a few days before Eric Schweig had the opportunity to see her.
Dreams have always played an important part in the lives of Inuit. I hope that Eric Schweig has made happier dreams about his mother after that event. And I wonder if our loved ones can visit us in our dreams. Maybe. I once dreamed of my brother who died before my birth. I miss him all my life, but this very special dream where I met him was so full of love and happiness, I woke up with tears…of joy. It was really as intense as if I had met him in person, in real life. I wish Eric Schweig, and all those who have lost someone dear to their heart, to dream often of their loved one, and to be filled with infinite love and consolation.
Inuvik Drum web site :